Version 2025 Release 2 (February)
Web Server Build Number:
Excel Add-in Build Number:
DataSync Build Number:
February 15, 2025
Application starting time has been improved when starting/restarting Nectari through IIS.27472
Web Server
- Workbooks
It is now possible to change and refresh the data source for pivots by selecting the Change DataSource and/or Refresh buttons.
A menu item has been added to enable/disable subtotal calculations for pivots.29777
OLAP Manager
Logs now include the start time, end time, environment name, and environment ID for jobs. 24082
Excel Add-in
Security updates.33095
Web Server Templates
Template | Change description |
Sage 100 |
Sage 200 Evolution |
Sage 300 |
Sage 500 |
The Upgrade pop-up was not displayed when there was a duplicate feature in nec-centralpoint.xml.33049
When installing or upgrading to Version 2024 Release 3 or higher, the permissions on the Web Server folder were not set correctly.27654
Web Server
Workbooks with pivot filters that had "&" characters did not display correctly after re-opening the workbook.32362
After importing an Excel file with a pivot and a pivot slicer, the workbook did not include a slicer anymore.31188
- Dashboards
Resolved an issue where multiple selection occasionally did not work correctly in the dashboard filtering panel prompt.32407
When changing a Date Filter that was a Data Model Parameter within the Filtering Panel, it was generating an error in the SQL query.33159
Date, DateTime, and Time
Fixed an issue where Date, Time, or DateTime fields could not be added to the Advanced Filter when the operator was set to "IsNull."31930
When users created a Historical Chart view, the DateTime values were not displayed correctly along the x-axis.31989
The DateTime field in the Filter section was incorrectly formatted when exporting a worksheet as a PDF.32022
The Date, Time, and DateTime fields appeared unformatted in the dashboard filtering tile prompt if the operators were set to BETWEEN or NOT BETWEEN.32031
In a rare circumstance, when evaluating a global variable threw an error, it could cause the Web Server to crash.33222
OLAP Manager
After building a cube, the Slices records were not resetting to 0.33062
If users tried to distribute a workbook that didn't have a data extraction or pivot, the distribution would fail.33292
The Conditions tab of the Distribution was not working when a workbook was selected as the only item for distribution.32600
Excel Add-in
If the Web Server restarted, users were forced to reauthenticate to use the Excel Add-in. 32466
Stored procedures set on an Excel Add-in report were not functioning properly when a parameter of type "from-to" was being used.33147
Fixed an issue where the default language, set by the last language used, was not remembered between logins.32288
Fixed an issue where SEI error logs were occasionally saved in the wrong folder. 32646
Corrected an issue with the Netsuite connector where table entries were sometimes missing or duplicated.32398
Some tables (REPORTINGAC, REPORTINGACHEADER APADVANCE, and APADVANCEITEM) were not discoverable when using the Sage Intacct connector.32632
Some tables in Sage Intacct had a data type conversion error and were reporting the wrong data types (for example, in the CreditCard table).32290
Web Server Templates
Template | Change description |
Sage 100 |
Sage X3 |