Version 9.3 Release Notes
- Product:
- Nectari
- Version:
- v9.3
- Date:
- April 2020
From version 9.3 of Nectari, Finance and Sales cubes are depreciated in Sage 300 to be supported only in UDM.
Web Client
Data Model
- The word Prompt has been replaced with Global Parameters. This change can be seen when you right-click on a Data Model and select Manage Data Model Parameters (V8PROD-605)
- The Freeze Group Column feature has been added to the Report Properties under the General section. It allows you to always display the Group column when scrolling to the right, when activated (V8PROD-1169)
- We improved the grid display (V8PROD-1169)
User Interface
- The Command Center title on the left is displayed on 1 line now when enabling the Console in your web browser (V8PROD-1168)
- Doughnut:
- The Thickness feature has been added into the General section so you can adjust the thickness of the chart (V8PROD-1097)
- The Total section has been created below the Labels & Tooltips section. With this section comes the Show Total feature which allows you to reveal the total from the values in the chart when enabled (V8PROD-1097)
- Doughnut / Pie / Funnel: The Show Percentage of Total feature has been added into the Labels & Tooltips section. It allows you to display the total of each group on the chart as percentage (V8PROD-1097)
Dashboard & Charts
- We implemented multilanguage feature for Dashboards and Charts (V8PROD-1312)
Web Central Point Configurator
- A pop-up window will appear to remind you to restart the BI Service to apply changes (V8PROD-1264)
- We implemented daily logs (V8PROD-1240)
OLAP Manager
- We changed the error message when Job Service cannot be reached / stopped for "The Job Service was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the service is running and that the firewall is configured to allow connections" (V8PROD-1202)
- OLAP Manager does not hide anymore the last row for Dimension and Measure mapping (V8PROD-1288)
Data Sync
Backend settings
- We added rolling log interval and logged only in .txt file. Before all logs were written into one .file (undated) but now you will have a log file per day (V8PROD-1148)
- We fixed the SQL query by adding WHERE 1=2 (which has better performance than TOP(1)) to improve speed when validating metadata on OData / Acumatica (V8PROD-1245)
- An offset has been added to the Source Connection when selecting Date as tracking to be used during Incremental Load job (V8PROD-1295).
- Users can decrease the Batch Size to 50 as minimum value (V8PROD-1411).
- New Source Connection for Data Sync was added: Sage Intacct. Click here for more details(V8PROD-1153).
- We removed unique ID validation to avoid problems regarding extractions for the same source and destination sharing the same Unique ID (V8PROD-1192)
User Interface
- Now, the URL for the documentation will change according to the language (French or English) you select in the Login page (V8PROD-1152)
Acumatica (Version 112)
- Removed the Body field from Tasks, Email and Activity (DOC-419)
UDM (Version 216)
- Improved the French translation (DOC-419)
- Improved compatibility between Oracle and SQL Server (1753 vs 1599) by changing the filter behavior regarding the Date with the NULL value (DOC-419)
- Automatically disabled the Data Entry feature for Sales Forecast when Forecast is approved (DOC-419)
- Added return carriage for Currency Conversion in Info-Pages (DOC-419)
- Changed Budget Calculation (DOC-419)
- Added a filter for closed orders in the Sales Detail data source (DOC-419)
- Improved the translations for the Forecast data model (DOC-419)
- Improved the English - French translation (DOC-419)
- Improved the Column Formatting for Dashboards (DOC-419)
- Added Financial Report for France (DOC-419)
- Integrated Sage Intacct cubes: UDM Finance, UDM Sales and UDM Account Payable (DOC-419)
- Improved the translations for Dashboards in French (DOC-419)
- Increased the size of Account dimensions of the Finance Staging and Finance cubes (DOC-419)
- Improved the Sales Forecast Calendar Quarter, Fiscal Period, Fiscal Quarter data models (DOC-419)
Sage X3 HR (Version 104)
- Complete rebuilt with major improvements without depending on OLAP (more specifically, depreciated all Data Models, Cubes and Reports except for the Égalité Homme-Femme module) (DOC-459)
Excel Add-in
- Pivots can be summarized by Distinct Count for Excel 2013 and up versions (V8PROD-1272)
Web Client
Dashboard - Distribution - Report - View
- Regarding the Worksheet Auto Grey Tones feature, when exporting or scheduled for distribution, and there was no group specified on the Worksheet the background color code used was not blank (e.g. white). It was using the grey tone Lv1 instead of the LastLevel which was equal to the #FFFFFF (#FFFFFF is the white color hex) (V8PROD-1019).
Data Model
- Data Model Designer: Adding return carriage were not saved for Calculation and caused issues to create some type of views like KPIs (V8PROD-1173)
- Data Model Parameters: We fixed the overwriting translations behavior by English when pressing Confirm in Manage Data Model Parameters and when logged in another language than English (with User Content Language different than English) (V8PROD-1239)
- Info-Page: We fixed error message "Must specify valid information for parsing in the string" when validating (V8PROD-1217)
- Stored Procedure: The Execute Stored Procedure feature was not working when logging in French (V8PROD-1117)
Global Scripts
- Special characters (é and è) were not saved correctly since 9.2 (V8PROD-1290)
Global Variables
- Global variable could not be validated when the data retrieved was zero (V8PROD-1254)
- Filter was saving the Global Variable value instead of Global Variable ID (e.g.: @@xxx) (V8PROD-1309)
- There was a filter issue with special character (&, < and >) when picking from Prompt (V8PROD-1257)
- There was an export issue if there was a Custom Calcul. More specifically, only the title and the calculated section were displayed (the rest of the report displayed no data) (V8PROD-1160)
- Column heading disappeared randomly (V8PROD-1184)
- When using the Subtotal Restrictions, in the Export process it also removed the last level of detail in the Report (V8PROD-1284)
- KPI / Word Cloud: It was impossible to create Word Cloud and KPI when the first group contained the NULL value (V8PROD-1247)
- Column Formatting: When editing an existing Column Formatting for the first time, the window displayed a blank Global Variable. At this point, when saving the Column Formatting, the Global Variable was lost and the Column Formatting was broken (V8PROD-1276)
- Doughnut - Total: When the Numeric format was enabled, the Decimal Places feature was not working. When the Abbreviate format was enabled, the title we specified remained on the same line and did not use return carriage(V8PROD-1308)
- When importing/exporting templates, translations for Application Links, Global Selection Page, Global Parameters were not taken into account (V8PROD-1351)
Acumatica (Version 112)
- Fixed the Amounts for the Sales Orders and Sales Invoice data models (DOC-419)
Sage X3 (Version 111)
- Fixed some French translations (DOC-419)
UDM (Version 216)
- Fixed two Stored Procedures (DOC-419)
- Fixed bugs in Inventory Staging cube (DOC-419)
- Fixed bugs in Sales Staging cube (DOC-419)
- Fixed incorrect formula in Budget Ending Balance (DOC-419)
- Fixed bug in the Finance data source in OLAP (DOC-419)
- Fixed bugs related to Joins in Acumatica data source (EndPeriod) (DOC-419)
- Fixed Global Selection Pages (DOC-419)
- Sage X3 Posting, YTD were not working when using X3 Closing Balance (DOC-419)
- Fixed Inventory Historical data model (DOC-419)
- Fixed the Customer Order Analysis dashboard (DOC-419)
- Fixed the Fiscal Year Detail view for Sage 100 (DOC-419)
- Fixed the Ledger Currency mapping for Sage 100 (DOC-419)
- Fixed the Finance Staging cube for Sage 100 (DOC-419)
- Fixed the Sales Order cube for Sage 300 (DOC-419)
- Changed LedTyp data type to String(50) (DOC-419)
- Fixed DimOpportunity cube(DOC-419)
OLAP Manager
- OLAP Manager was hiding the last cube (V8PROD-1252)
- There was wrong label for Job Type when doing a mouse hover in the Job Scheduler (V8PROD-1179)
- When the Subtotal Exception was defined in Design Data Model or the Load All Data on Open feature for the Worksheet, Groups content from distributed Worksheet was expanded (V8PROD-357)
- When we had a Scheduled Job (Daily/Weekly/Monthly) that failed and tried to run it now, the Scheduler was incrementing +1 the Next Run Time (V8PROD-1268)
Data Sync
- When adding and deleting a Calculation Field in Migration extraction type, the field drop-down list for destination were not shown anymore. In Synchronization extraction type, the edit calculation field window showed a drop-down list for Destination Field Name (V8PROD-1103)
- It was impossible to run an extraction if connected to the Wireless network (wifi) (V8PROD-1167)
- The Refresh by Date feature was not working for the Acumatica connector (V8PROD-1195)
- There was a error when synchronizing the CLOB datatype from Oracle to SQL database (V8PROD-1275)
User Interface
- There was an error "STR_ERROR_CONFIRMING_EMAIL_FOR _USER" when confirming email for the user (V8PROD-1219)
- The Log Cleaning process did not take into account all the child_triggers+child_logs (V8PROD-1187)