Settings for MongoDB

This topic describes how to set up a MongoDB connection for DataSync.


Consolidation is currently not an available option for MongoDB.

To configure a new connection:

  1. In DataSync, create a new source connection for MongoDB.

  2. Fill out the fields in the Connection Properties panel as well as the fields described below.

  3. Click Save.


Known issue: Due to the dynamic nature of arrays, the precision for properties of this type can be underestimated, so care must be given when selecting the precision in the destination table. Otherwise, extraction might fail due to truncating errors. We recommend setting the precision to MAX for those columns.

Connection Properties Description

Name for the source connection.

Server Hostname or IP address of the server.
Port The port number of the server. The default MongoDB port is 27017.
Database The name of the MongoDB database.
Authentication Mode

Set the mode of authentication for the database. Two modes are offered:

  • No Auth: No authentication

  • Basic: challenge-response authentication, with username and password stored in the MongoDB database

Username (required for basic) The authenticating username stored in the database.
Password (required for basic) The associated password stored in the database.
Authentication Database (optional for basic) The name of the MongoDB database for authentication. This is only needed if the authentication database is different from the database the data is retrieved from (the parameter above).
Flatten Objects

Set to True to flatten object properties into column of their own. Otherwise, objects are returned as strings.


Select whether SSL/TLS encryption is used to secure the connection to the database. An SSL certificate must be provided.

Allows Invalid Server Certificates Accept all certificates from the server when connecting using SSL/TLS. This is not recommended due to security concerns.
Row Scan Depth As a NoSQL database, MongoDB does not require you to follow structured schema. The relational schema used in the DataSync is inferred by scanning the rows in a collection and then dynamically creating a schema. The Row Scan Depth field specifies the maximum number of rows scanned. A high value gives a more precise schema but may decrease performance. A low value may prevent the schema from being determined properly. The default value is 1000.
Verbosity Set the verbosity of the log file and determine the amount of details included in the file. The value ranges from 1 to 5 and the default is 3.
Enable pooling

This parameter enables connection pooling. When it is selected, the three following properties are displayed:

  • Pool idle timeout: The allowed idle time for a connection before it is closed.

  • Max pool size: The maximum number of connections in the pool.

  • Pool wait time: The maximum number of seconds to wait for an available connection.