Installation scenarios

There are several possible scenarios for installing Nectari regarding the number of servers involved, how the components are distributed on the servers and what kind of security setup is required (DMZ or not).


There is no easy way to determine the configuration to use based on amount of licenses and database rows. Depending how Data Models are set and used, there could be a great difference in resources use.

Factors are: how Filters are used, how many columns are extracted for every View, how many times a Distribution Job has to generate a Report (Run as option or not) etc.

The following scenarios are a good illustration of all possible scenarios.

As indicated in the note above, these sizings are not to be taken literaly. A product specialist should analyse particular situations.

  • Small: 1 to 25 licenses, less than 10GB database
  • Small/Medium: database up to 50GB
  • Medium: 25 to 50 licenses, 100GB
  • Large: 100 to 250 licenses, 200GB

These sizing examples do not take into account workloads generated by multiple batch tasks and/or web services exchanges.

In all scenarios where it is not the case already, the Distribution can be set in a dedicated server. Also, to diminish the network use, the Web Server could be installed on the same server than the databases.