Data Model Properties

To configure the data model properties:

  1. In the File drop-down menu, select Data Model Properties.

  2. Edit the properties below and those in the General tab and/or Performance tab as needed.

    • Data Model Name: Enter the name for this data model.

    • Data Source: Use the drop-down to select the data source for this data model.

  3. Click OK.

To execute and validate the changes:

  • In the File drop-down menu, select Save Data Model.

General tab property Description
Unique name for the prompt (Optional) Enter a unique name for the prompt. The unique ID for this data model can be reused for other data models.
Select Distinct Records When activated, all the duplicated rows will be removed. This is mainly used when a prompt is defined from a table where the list of values used for the prompt are not unique.
Return Distinct Values Using The SQL Clause “Group By” This option will return a distinct set of values using the Group By SQL syntax. In some database systems like DB2 the Group By is faster than the Distinct that will do a table scan or force an index creation.
Worksheet is Updatable Nectari supports 2-way communication between the enterprise data and its views. This option is used to allow, at the data model level, data entry for editable fields. If this option is not checked, editable fields cannot be updated. Note that only the fields from the fact table can be updated.
Display Selection page on open This option allows to force the user to choose among the existing selection page(s) whenever he would open a view in this data model.

In the case of a Cloud type installation, performing a manual backup is highly recommended if you use the data entry feature (Ex: Sales forecast, Financial Budget) through Nectari. This will allow you to get greater data retention than the one provided by the default Cloud environment.

Manual backup can be done through an Excel export of your data. You can also automate this process by using the scheduler or the DataSync module to replicate these Cloud data to your On Premise (local) environment in order to enhance security.

Performance tab property Description
Query Timeout (DB2 only) The maximum number of seconds that Nectari will wait for a query (related to a data model) which will be running to extract data. This helps to prevent long and probably undesired queries from consuming resources (processor and disk). The query is canceled if the timeout is reached. If this parameter is not specified, Nectari will wait until the complete data is loaded. This option is working with DB2 data source only and will not have any impact on the other data source type.
Maximum Number Of Records The maximum quantity of records that can be loaded in any view of the data model. If not specified, no restriction is applied.