Version 2024 Release 6 (June)
Web Server Build Number:
Excel Add-in Build Number:
DataSync Build Number:
June 22, 2024
Web Server
Improved workbook performance by over 100% when opening and refreshing a workbook containing a high number of formulas.
Improved user experience while loading and refreshing workbooks.26181
Windows Authentication support has been added for the SQL Server connector.28486
The list of cultures in the Format Cells pop-up has been reduced to show the required ones, improving workbook load times.29184
The Pivot Wizard is now available, allowing for easier creation and management of pivots.281372814016683
It is now possible to do a drill-down on a data extraction.2638125729
Multiple Selection is now available for the Dashboard Filtering Panel.25966
A new connector has been added for MongoDB.28322
Web Server Templates
Template | Change description |
Sage X3 |
Sage X3 Manufacturing
Sage 300 |
Sage Intacct |
Sage Intacct Not-for-Profit (NFP)
Universal Data Model (UDM) |
Web Server
When a workbook with a selection page was opened multiple times, the selection page parameter values were all changed to using the last opened workbook's value.26862
The workbook would enter an unresponsive state when copying and pasting a data extraction with default column names that didn't follow the proper number sequences.28783
Users received an error message when a workbook containing a formula created by the Formula Wizard was exported as an Excel file.28565
Users drilling down on a data extraction encountered an issue when drilling down on a newly created second profile without first drilling down the first profile.28873
The Auto Refresh setting for data extractions was not working when the filters were from the same sheet.28967
The Auto Refresh setting for data extractions was ignored when the filter cell was changed, resulting in a refresh of every extraction in the workbook.28967
Since Version 2024 Release 3, the NOT operator in the Formula Wizard was not returning the expected result.27566
Special characters now copy correctly when doing a Copy Selection or Copy Row on a grid.28385
Fixed a bug for Single Sign-On (SSO) users where their last login date was not recorded properly within the database.29114
When users scheduled a dashboard created from an expanded group in a worksheet, the received file was collapsed instead of expanded.20885
Excel Add-in
The Update Data Model Parameter functionality was not working as expected from Version 2024 Release 3 to Version 2024 Release 5.29011
When changing table elements, the table was invalidated but not the extraction, and in consequence users were not aware that a Validate and Build command was necessary to run the extraction with no errors.29240
The status of table extractions was not updated after failure and the error was not logged.28788
When users imported a template that would fail, an empty extraction was created with no tables.29310
When using the same unique ID in a Consolidation extraction, the Incremental Load failed.29482
Web Server Templates
Template | Change description |
Sage 300 |
Universal Data Model |
Sage X3