Version 2024 Release 9 (September)

Web Server Build Number:

Excel Add-in Build Number:

DataSync Build Number:

September 14, 2024



  • Nectari for Sage 300 Embed Installer is now supporting Sage 300 Version 2024.

  • The Installation section of the Nectari Online Help has been improved, and a hardware recommendations page for new installations has been added.

Web Server

  • Workbook formulas are now supported in French and Spanish.

  • Keyword descriptions in scripts are now translated for advanced filtering.

  • Added support for date time and time pickers within the Global Selection Page and Data Model parameter pop-ups.

  • When closing the tab or the browser while it is loading data within a worksheet, report or dashboard, the running SQL query is automatically canceled.

OLAP Manager

  • Added a column indicating that a schedule exists and a column indicating whether a job is active.


  • Added a button enabling users to delete their Job History logs.


  • When performing a Validate and Build, a new option has been added to remove non-existent tables, fields and indexes in the extraction.

  • When a failure occurs in DataSync, the notifying email will include more detailed information about the errors.

Web Server Templates

Template Change description
Sage X3
  • New financial workbooks have been added for Cash Flow reports.

  • New financial workbooks have been added for Profit and Loss reports.

  • New financial workbooks have been added for Balance Sheet reports.

  • New financial workbooks have been added for Trial Balance reports.

  • Added quantity values to the Budget Analysis data model.


Web Server

  • When importing a template, the data type for the global parameters was always set to Not Defined.

  • The Expand All Groups function was not working for the Calculated column when there were more than 1000 groups.

  • In the Pivot Wizard, the width of PivotTable Fields column could not be adjusted.

  • Standardized the default row count for both new workbooks and new sheets.

  • The Drill Down button was not appearing in the sidebar after creating a drill down profile.

  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to import workbooks from a template.

  • Fixed an error where data extractions that were filtering on a cell from a sheet with a space in the name would cause an error after conversion.

  • When Calculation on Demand was checked, the NECFormulas were being evaluated twice.

  • Fixed an issue in Chrome and Edge browsers for Version 126 where users couldn't click on a data entry column that contained a prompt.

  • An error would sometimes occur when users tried to open certain workbooks in mobile mode.

  • An error would occur when trying to save in the multilingual editor for data models.


  • The migration module license to perform Migration and Export was not functioning properly.

  • Wrong data type detection on some fields with the NetSuite connector.