Version 2024 Release 7 (July)

Web Server Build Number:

Excel Add-in Build Number:

DataSync Build Number:

July 20, 2024


Web Server

  • Improved the loading time of a workbook when there was more than one workbook tab open.

  • Improved the loading of the workbook when the browser was not active.

  • Improved session auto-reconnect for certain elements from the Command Center and Administration after inactivity.

  • When selecting a date using the Calendar Picker, the current date is highlighted in blue if no date has been selected.


  • Workbooks can now be distributed to other users.

  • Workbooks can now be exported as CSV files.

  • The Run Now flag has been improved in case of failure, avoiding a loading loop.

Web Server Templates

Template Change description
Sage X3
  • User and User Group migration from Sage X3 to Nectari is now possible.

  • The Currency Rates data model has been added under Configuration in the Common Data folder.

  • The NEC_FXRATE_TABLE, which includes the currency conversion rates, has been added to all data models that have transaction measures, allowing for the equivalent Reporting Currency measures to be created.

  • The X3FXRATE cube has been added, which retrieves data from the NEC_FXRATE_TABLE for exchange rates.

  • The X3GACCCLS cube has been added for finance-related cube data models.

  • The CLSCODE field was added to the Accounts cube (X3GACCOUNT) and the Order Date field was added to the Sales Cube (X3SALESX).

  • DataSync: Added the following tables for data extractions: WORKLOAD, TABWEEDIA, STOPREH.

Sage X3 Manufacturing

  • Added Actual Costs to the "Production Report" data model which includes the WIP production costs.

Sage 300 Added Sage 300 Service Manager tables to DataSync extractions.


Web Server

  • Updating an existing pivot with new fields in a workbook caused a display issue where the new fields were not functional.

  • The function =GetPivotData() did not resolve correctly in certain cultures.

  • In the Data Model Designer, global variables used in the Column Group Heading and Column Heading sections were saved with hard-coded values for Version 2024 releases 3-6.

  • When entering a global variable in a selection page, the formulas were not always resolved in the workbook.

  • For some users, the Formula Wizard was disabled in the Analysis panel when selecting the adjacent column of a data extraction.

  • Fixed an issue where users could not log out on certain servers.

  • The workbook's external link did not contain the language set by the user.

  • Improved French translations for Pivot and Data Extraction features.

  • When exporting a worksheet or report to PDF, Chinese characters were not properly displayed.


  • If an extraction template failed to be imported, an empty extraction was added rather than importing only valid tables and fields.

OLAP Manager

  • Users were sometimes unable to load the OLAP Manager logs.


  • The jobs list could not be displayed when a condition contained an environment that was deleted.

Excel Add-in

  • The Excel Add-in would crash at start-up when using Excel 32 bits.

  • User Calculated column was displayed in formula fields when the Formula Wizard was used.

Web Server Templates

Template Change description
Sage Intacct
  • Fixed an issue where debits and credits in the GL Summary data model were incorrect.

  • Fixed an issue where opening balances were in periods other than period 1 in the GL Transactions data model.

  • Reverted a bug where global variables in the field headers of the GL Transactions data model were overwritten with static values.

Sage X3
  • Reverted a bug where global variables in the field headers of the AR/AP Current Aging and AR/AP Historical Aging data models were overwritten with static values.